Monday, February 18, 2013


Prelude: Here's a couple randos I snapped in the park the other day. So gorgeous.

Saturday night we saw the last of the Carnaval parades in Porto Seco, which were absolutely gorgeous to watch. The amount of time, effort, passion, and money they put in to those costumes is incredible. Just go look up Carnaval parades on Google images if you have never seen it, it's amazing. Here's a couple pictures.

Ah... but here we are in Florianopolis! Commonly known as Floripa. We got in yesterday after a long, sweaty bus ride from POA around 630 or 7. This place is refreshing, and so nice. I strongly recommend that if you're ever coming to the South of Brasil, come here. It's legit, the beaches are sweet, the food is great, yeah. I'm happy here. Did some bodysurfing in the cool clean water, drank some mimosas, got a little sunburn going... in the middle of February. Blows my mind that we're here. Plus, me, Kal, Mitch, and Dallas have a legit condo that we're staying in, which is a nice upgrade from the Eco Hostel. Here for a whole week longer... too down.

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