Wednesday, January 9, 2013


I'm going to make this one quick today, but only because this day has been very hectic and my friends are trying to make moves on having a first night out on the town, and I am eager to join them. By no means has this day been boring.

Man this place is beautiful. We got an early start today, as the majority of today was spent walking around the hectic city with Mitch and various others excitedly trying to catch our bearings. All the people from the program made it to the hostel in one piece! And being the only ones with any remote experience navigating PA, we were willing tour guides. However... we've got some fat blisters from the flip flops and some sunburns. First world problems, I know. But they are good problems to have

We went for a great run today in the park and and found several intriguing bars, also went out for a few great meals with the group here. This last 24 hours has done nothing but excite me further for the next few months... if only I could come up with the words to explain.

The prime discovery of the day was definitely the supermarket that happens to be half a block from our house. To get a picture of it, think of the U District Safeway at the busiest you've ever seen it, but knock down the prices of everything significantly and have everyone speak in a language you barely know.

Had an amazing day and now I'm going out for what is sure to be a great night, Ciao Ciao. Pictures coming to Facebook and here soon ~ 1/09/13

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