Monday, January 14, 2013


I was going to post last night, but our internet gave out after the Seahawks game. Plus, after that devastating loss, I doubt I would have had anything nice to say, so it's probably better that I'm writing now.

Right now I'm writing from a bright orange hammock under a blue sky with a nice gentle breeze, don't have much room to complain. I especially feel bad when I see people's facebook posts back at home saying that it's snowing and cold... it's nice to be getting some sun in January I must say.

Besides Friday night, the last couple of days haven't been too eventful. I've mostly just been recharging, chillin in the hammock and watching the football playoff games streamed live from my buddy's laptop. Friday night was quite ridiculous though! After downing a few drinks, we all went out to this dance club right down the street from our hostel... and yes, the Brazilian night club scene is as crazy as you would imagine. Unlike anything I have ever seen, I'll say that much. People here won't even go out until 11 or 12, then not get home until 4, 5, or even later in the morning. Makes American parties seem so lame by comparison! Wish I had my camera with me that night so I could even try to explain the crazy things we saw... but yeah that was quite a night to say the least. Absolutely poppin dance club, and by the time we left around 4 it was still going off.

Anyway, we did some cool things Saturday and Sunday. We went downtown, which was a lot closer to our hostel than I originally thought, about a fifteen minute walk. The city is so gorgeous, and the market downtown was a lot of fun to walk around and buy. There's all kinds of shops to buy mate coipas and pompas (cups and straws), meats, and various other antiques and such.

Got myself a pretty sweet mate coipa and pompa there that has the seal on it and is labeled "Gaucho," and been sippin' on the yerba mate ever since outta that thing. They swear that yerba mate makes you live longer, reduces anxiety, makes sex better, and keeps you generally healthy. Basically everyone drinks it around here, and I could see myself getting hooked on it by the end of the trip for sure.

We also went to the flea market in the park next to our place, where there was all kinds of music, food, and various antiques and trinkets for sale. It was pretty much a farmer's market that only is open on Sundays, except the stuff they had for sale was much cooler and it wasn't full of hippies like the ones in Washington. All of the artwork that was for sale was simply gorgeous, and I ended up making friends with one of the artists who may have been one of the greatest airbrush artists I had ever seen.

 ^ Here is another great artist, whose name I don't remember. But I think I might try to bring home a piece of artwork from this market by the time I come home.

My Portuguese is getting a lot better, though not nearly close to good yet. I think it's hilarious that all 17 of us students barely knew any coming down here, it's been an adventure and a half watching all of us attempt to make conversation. I'm really looking forward to being able to rattle off conversations without getting confused every 15 seconds.

Besides the Seahawks loss and dealing with my ongoing knee injury, life is good here in PA. Hopefully we're going to our hot Portuguese teacher's house for a barbeque this week, apparently she has a pool and a nice set up here so it should be a good time.

Now back to a book and a siesta in the hammock... ~ 1/14/13

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